Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Classroom Behavior and Teacher Inspiration

So many teachers don't get it! We don't teach a subject, we teach children! To do this we must employ excellent Behavior Management Skills and be sure to nurture our teacher-selves with inspiration!

My Teacher Look - Madeline Noonan

Questions to Consider

  • How do students learn the importance of a "teacher look"?
  • When would be effective times to use this strategy?
  • Why does Ms. Noonan say that every teacher needs to have a "teacher look"?

Number Line Charts Behavior -Madeline Noonan

Questions to Consider

  • Why is it important that students can earn or lose points throughout the day?
  • How does this strategy integrate math with behavior management?
  • What are some behaviors that you might measure with a number line?

Teaching for the Fire - Taylor Mali

Questions to Consider

  • How can remembering "AHA" moments or that spark in a student's eye keep us focused and refreshed in a challenging profession?
  • Consider a fun way for you and your colleagues to share some treasured student stories and celebrate each other's work

Teach Like a Steinway Dangling - Taylor Mali

Questions to Consider

  • Consider what Mr. Mali means when he says "who can teach when there are such lessons to be learned?"
  • What is meant by "let me teach like a Steinway" and "let me teach like the new snow falling?"

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