There is No One Best Way to Teach Children to Read and
An excerpt from the
book Schools That Work
reading and writing are complex and children and teachers are different, there
can be no one best way to teach reading and writing. The complexity and
variability found in every classroom mean there is not, and can never be, one
best way to foster and develop reading and writing in all children.
instruction began in the United States with an alphabetic approach. Children
learned the letters and learned to spell and sound out the letters of words.
This alphabetic method came to be called a phonics approach and has gone in and
out of fashion but has always had advocates who insisted it was the only
sensible approach to beginning reading instruction. A variety of instructional
materials provide phonics activities for beginning readers, but those materials
often do not reflect much of what we know about teaching decoding (Adams, 1990;
Cunningham & Cunningham, 2000).
A second
but common approach has been the basal reader approach. All basals include
instruction in phonics of some kind. Some basals, offer heavier doses of
phonics instruction. Most basal programs begin with sight words from
predictable stories and place an emphasis on comprehension—although all basals
include a phonics strand. Although basals differ in their emphasis, they all
offer stories of gradually increasing difficulty and an emphasis on
teacher-guided reading of generally shorter selections. Basals also provide
workbooks and skill sheets, though of questionable value.
the years, many reading experts have advocated a trade-book approach for
teaching reading. In the 1960s, Jeanette Veatch (1959) popularized what she
called an "individualized reading" approach. This approach emphasizes
children selecting books they want to read and teachers conferencing with them
to provide individual help when needed. But teachers using this trade-book
approach must be familiar with a broad range of children's books and must also
be quite expert in the teaching of reading and writing.
A fourth
approach, which has been more widely used in England, Australia, and other countries,
has also returned to many U.S. classrooms. This language experience/writing
approach is based on the premise that the easiest material for children to read
is their own writing and that of their classmates. In this approach, then, the
stories that children themselves compose, orally or in writing, provide the
primary reading materials.
the years, these four major approaches—phonics, basal, trade book, language
experience/writing—have been in and out of favor. Generally, once one approach
has dominated long enough for educators to recognize its shortcomings, a
different approach with different shortcomings replaces it. The question of
which method is best cannot be answered because it is the wrong question. Each
method has undeniable strengths.
instruction is clearly important because one big task of beginning readers is
figuring out how our alphabetic language works. The National Reading Panel
(2000) reviewed decades of research on beginning reading instruction and
concluded that many children can decipher the letter–sound system with little
direct instruction, but directly teaching this system seems to speed initial
literacy acquisition for these children. The need for some explicit decoding
strategies instruction was particularly clear for some children, especially
those who have had limited exposure to reading and writing and have had fewer
opportunities to figure out how our alphabetic system works.
instruction gives teachers multiple copies of reading material that they can use
to guide children's comprehension and strategy development. The reading
selections found in basal readers are organized by estimating their difficulty
with increasingly complex selections across the elementary grades. Because
basals contain a wide variety of types of literature, children are exposed to
many genres, authors, topics, and cultures they might miss if all their reading
was self-selected. In addition, basals outline the major goals for each year
and provide an organized curricular plan for accomplishing those goals with
ways of evaluating whether students are meeting those goals.
reading of real books is the ultimate aim of reading instruction, but that aim
has often taken a backseat to phonics and basal instruction. Children have been
expected to "read when they finished their work" or "read at
home." Of course, children who came from homes where books were available
and reading was valued were much more likely to engage in real reading than
were children whose homes lacked these advantages. Better readers were also
more likely to complete the assigned work and have time remaining to read
self-selected trade books. The reemergence of the trade-book approach reminds
us that the purpose of learning to read is to read real books. Children who read
real books understand why they are learning to read and what reading really is.
is an approach to reading that lets children figure out reading "from the
inside out." As children write, they spell words they later see and
recognize in their reading. Even when they can't spell a word perfectly, they
try to "sound spell" it and actually put to use whatever letter–sound
knowledge they have learned. Children who write are more avid and sensitive
readers. Reading is a source of writing ideas and information. Reading also
provides the writer with models of various writing styles. Like reading real
books, writing is an authentic activity, and children who write become more
fluent in reading (Tierney & Shanahan, 1991).
In the
1960s, the U.S. government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to find out
what the best approach to beginning reading really was. Data were collected
from first- and second-grade classrooms around the country that used a variety
of approaches to beginning reading. The study results were inconclusive. Every
approach had some good results and some poor results. How well teachers carried
out an approach seemed to be the major determinant of how well an approach
worked. Some teachers used what the researchers called "combination approaches,"
such as language experience and basal or phonics and literature or literature
and writing. The study concluded that, in general, combination approaches
worked better than any single approach (Bond & Dykstra, 1967). Snow and her
colleagues (1998) also concluded that children—especially children with limited
preschool experiences with books, stories, and letters—need a rich variety of
reading and writing experiences as well as some direct instruction in
letter–sound patterns.
One major
reason for providing a combination approach to literacy is the different
personalities children bring to school. It is not possible to determine clearly
which children will learn best with which approaches, but it is clear that when
a teacher provides alternative routes to the goal of literacy, more children
will find a route to take them there. Many children fail in school because
their personalities and the approach taken to instruction do not match.
Research, observation, and common sense tell us that no single approach will
succeed in teaching all children (Pressley, 2006).
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