Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BRI Instructional Videos and Case Study

This course assignment is a compilation of pre-test/diagnostic information based on an administered BRI, development of a tutoring plan based on identified needs, implementation of that plan with posttest/diagnostic information discussing what the student has learned.  If the student has not learned, then lesson plans for correction and implementation are designed.  Students are to use the Wilmington University Lesson Plan format or the state/district approved lesson plan format for at least one of the tutoring lessons.  The rubric used to assess this assignment is at the end of this document.
1.     Select a student based on teacher referral.  Student selected should be a regular education student.  The student can be one presented for RTI.

2.     Develop an overview of the student’s history.  Include:

  •  Identification Information - Name, DOB, Grade etc.
  • Reason for Referral -  Summary of student data, Summary of parent & teacher input
  • Case History  - Parent interview (if possible), developmental background & relevant family history
  • School History - Summary of progress in school, achievements, attendance, description of classroom program, special placement etc.

3.     Data Collection (Pre-test) – “What do I already know?”  Share the highlights of reading achievement. Include in written paragraph & chart form the BRI results, and a discussion of the student’s strengths & weakness (diagnosis).

4.     Determine the “problem.”  What can I as an educator do to (improve/decrease/increase, etc.) the selected goals/objectives for this student?

5.     Select one goal/GLEs and design strategies towards assisting the student in achieving these goals/GLEs.

  • List your ideas (Brainstorm possible courses of action).
  • Evaluate - the changes for those you can monitor and are “likely to be effective

6.     Determine research question or hypothesis – “If I do…I anticipate…will happen.

7.     Implement strategies – Develop and implement course of action based on goals/objectives selected. Describe a specific tutoring plan that would include: major needs to be addressed, setting, approach, skills, strategies, materials, techniques & ways to involve parents. Students will need to develop at least 6 plans, one of which will be in the format of the provided template.  Of those plans, at least four will be implemented within the field placement. 

8.     Analysis – (Post-test) Provide data following implementation of strategies. Post-tests to be administered using alternate forms of the BRI as specified by the instructor. Student will be made after each tutoring session indicating subject’s performance. Progress may be monitored via rubrics, tests, checklists, portfolios.

9.     Reflection/Discussion - Did my implemented strategies make a difference? How do I know? What worked? What was less successful?  Your analysis of why the results turned out in the manner they did. What have I learned from this educational experience?

10.  Action Plan – What recommendations will I make for the students’ success in the future?  These recommendations will be delineated in the case study for parents and teachers.

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